Recommended Databases
Biological & Agricultural Index Plus (H. W. Wilson)
Indexes periodical articles in biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, ecology, genetics, microbiology, physiology, zoology and other related fields. Also covers agricultural fields including agricultural research, chemicals, economics and engineering.
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Biological Sciences Database (formerly Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
Provides citations with abstracts to research literature in the biological sciences, including biomedicine, zoology, ecology and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science.
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Provides access to MEDLINE, the National Library of Medicine’s database of bibliographic citations and abstracts for the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems and preclinical sciences. Also provides access and links to the integrated molecular biology databases maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Free via WWW
Related Databases
Applied Science and Technology Full Text (H. W. Wilson)
Indexes and provides citations and abstracts to periodical articles covering engineering, math, physics, computer technology and other sciences.
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EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier
Provides citations and abstracts to over 8,500 journals, with fulltext for over 4,600 of those titles, covering most academic areas of study including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences, and women’s studies.
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General Science Full Text (H. W. Wilson)
Provides citations, abstracts, and selected full text from periodical articles in many science fields including biology, chemistry, environmental science, nutrition, genetics, math, health, physics, physiology and zoology.
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Google Scholar
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature, including. peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and articles from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. To take full advantage of the TCNJ collection, users must login.
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ScienceDirect (Elsevier)
Full text of over 1,000 titles published by Elsevier. Coverage is primarily in the chemical, biological, and health sciences, but journals from other sciences, mathematics and the social sciences are also included. A green page icon next to the journal title indicates full text availability.
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SciFinder Scholar (Chemical Abstracts)
Covers CAplus databases from 1907 to present. Point-and-click interface facilitates searching chemical literature and patents. The database also provides access to key journals in the sciences and engineering. Apart from coverage in all areas of chemistry and chemical engineering, it includes chemical aspects in Agricultural Sciences, Biology and Life Sciences, Engineering, Food Sciences, Geological Sciences, Material Sciences, Medical Sciences, Physics and Polymer Sciences.
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Rebeca Jefferson
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