Recommended Databases
Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)
Provides reviews of children’s and young adult literature (Pre-K through 12), as well as books for education professionals. Identifies awards, honors, prizes, best book lists, and state reading lists associated with a title. Lists measurement parameters of reading measurement programs such as Accelerated Reader, Degrees of Reading Power, and Reading Counts.
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The Education Resource Information Center (ERIC) provides access to scholarly educational literature and to ERIC Documents. This resource from the U.S. Dept. of Education contains over 1.4 million records for article citations and abstracts from education journals, together with links to many thousands of full-text documents (books, papers, reports, and more) from ERIC back to 1966. ERIC actively indexes more than 1,100 journals (90% peer-reviewed).
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Literature Resource Center (GALE)
Full-text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines are combined with critical essays, work and topic overviews, and biographies to provide information on authors, their works, and literary movements. Coverage includes all genres and disciplines, all time periods, and all parts of the world.
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K-12 Resources
Primary Search
Primary Search®, designed specifically for elementary school libraries, contains full text for more than 80 popular elementary school magazines. All full-text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Additionally, Primary Search includes the Encyclopedia of Animals™, and features Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, providing students with easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids. The database also provides access to thousands of relevant photos, maps, and flags.
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Middle Search® Plus
Middle Search® Plus contains full text for more than 150 popular middle school magazines. All full-text articles are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Full text is also available for thousands of biographies and historical essays. Additionally, this database contains primary source documents including Essential Documents in American History, reference books including the Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia; New Oxford American Dictionary, 2nd Edition; Encyclopedia of Animals™; and thousands of relevant photos, maps and flags.
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MAS Ultra – School Edition
This comprehensive database, designed specifically for high school libraries, contains full text for nearly 500 popular high school magazines in all curriculum areas, including America’s Civil War, American Heritage, American History, Archaeology, Astronomy, Bioscience, Careers & Colleges, Civil War Times, Congressional Digest, Discover, History Today, Nation, National Review, New Republic, New Scientist, Popular Science, Science News, Scientific American, Smithsonian, World War II, etc.
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Related Databases
Books in Print Global Edition (Bowker)
Bibliographic information is provided for English language books currently in-print, out-of-print and forthcoming books, as well as video and audio recordings. This database also includes reviews for many of the books listed and may be searched by author, title, subject, ISBN number, keyword, and publisher.
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WorldCat (FirstSearch)
The world’s largest network of library content and services, WorldCat libraries are dedicated to providing access to their resources on the Web, where it is possible to search collections of local libraries and thousands more around the world.
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Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
Provides citations and abstracts to over 4,000 journals covering most academic areas of study including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences, and women’s studies. Approximately two-thirds of the articles are available as full text. Also contains images which can be accessed by clicking on the “image collections” icon.
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