Recommended Databases
Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA)
Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA) is a multidisciplinary bibliographic database that covers health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education. ASSIA currently abstracts over 500 journals published in 16 different countries, including the UK and US. This database is particularly useful for research at the intersections between social science and health information.
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Criminal Justice Abstracts
Indexes and provides citations and abstracts from international journals, books, reports, and dissertaions in criminology and related disciplines. Coverage includes crime trends, crime prevention and deterrence, juvenile delinquency and justice, police, courts, punishment and sentencing.
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National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database (NJCRS)
Searchable database, provided by the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, that contains summaries of more than 150,000 criminal justice publications, including Federal, State and Local government reports, books, journal articles and research reports. Over 1,500 fulltext publications are also available online.
Free via WWW
Social Sciences Full Text (Wilson Web)
Provides citations, abstracts, and selected full text to articles in over 350 leading English language periodicals in a broad array of the social sciences. Subject coverage includes anthropology, criminology, law, political science, psychology, sociology and women’s studies.
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Westlaw Campus
Westlaw Campus is a comprehensive legal research database
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Related Databases
Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)
Provides citations and abstracts to over 4,000 journals covering most academic areas of study including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences, and women’s studies. Approximately two-thirds of the articles are available as full text. Also contains images which can be accessed by clicking on the “image collections” icon.
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Access World News
Selected full-text newspaper articles and newswires from the United States and abroad. Access World News is particularly strong in providing access to local, state, regional, and national news.
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PAIS Index
Indexes and provides citations and abstracts from the public and social policy literature of business, economics, education, health, law, international relations, public administration, government, political science, and other social sciences. Materials indexed are from all over the world and include journal articles, books, government documents, statistical compilations, conference proceedings, and research reports. Most records since 1985 include an abstract.
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The most comprehensive international database of psychology. Provides citations and abstracts from the academic, research and practice literature in psychology, and includes materials from related disciplines such as medicine, psychiatry, education, social work and criminology. Indexes journals, books and book chapters, dissertations and technical reports.
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Sociological Abstracts
Indexes over 2,000 journals from 35 countries, dissertations, papers, books and book chapters in sociology and related fields such as demographics, criminology, policy studies and family studies. Citations and abstracts are provided.
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John Oliver
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