Recommended Databases
MathSciNet is a comprehensive database of mathematical literature, created and maintained by the American Mathematical Society, with bibloiographic citations dating back to the early 1800s. It includes subject indexing of recent and forthcoming mathematical publications, as well as reviews or summaries of articles and books that contain new contributions to mathematical research. Data from the Current Index to Statistics, formerly published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association, is also available via MathSciNet.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is the subset of Google that yields search results from scholarly (academic) publications. Be sure to access Google Scholar via TCNJ Library, so that search results will include links to content that may be available only from TCNJ subscription databases.
ScienceDirect provides access to a large collection of publications in Physical Sciences and Engineering (including Mathematics & Statistics), Life Sciences, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences. Subdisciplines range from foundational science to new and novel research.
Academic Search Premier
General Purpose Database for Undergraduates. Provides citations and abstracts to over 4,000 journals covering most academic areas of study including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, mathematics, arts and literature, medical sciences, and women’s studies. Approximately two-thirds of the articles are available as full text.
A full-text archival collection of older journal articles including mathematics and statistics articles.
Reference Librarian