Recommended Databases
American Religion Data Archive
An Internet-based data archive for the study of American religion.
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ATLA Religion Index
Indexes periodical articles, essays in books and book reviews. Represents all religious traditions with strongest coverage of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
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A full text, full image archive of over 120 journals. Coverage of journals generally begins with their first volume and is updated to within three years of the current issue. Allows keyword searching of the full text of all articles, as well as browsing of particular journal issues. Subject strengths are African-American studies, anthropology, Asian studies, ecology, economics/finance, general science, history, literature, math/statistics, philosophy, political science, population/demography, and sociology.
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Project Muse
Access to the full text of more than 100 journals in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and mathematics from Johns Hopkins University Press and other publishers.
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Related Databases
Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)
Provides citations and abstracts to over 4,000 journals covering most academic areas of study including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences, and women’s studies. Approximately two-thirds of the articles are available as full text. Also contains images which can be accessed by clicking on the “image collections” icon.
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OmniFile Full Text Mega (Wilson Web)
Provides indexing, abstracting, and selected full text to the Wilson databases for Business, Education, General Science, Humanities, Readers’ Guide, and the Social Sciences. Also includes selected full text to the Wilson databases for Applied Science & Technology, Art, Biological & Agricultural Index, Index to Legal Periodicals & Books, and Library Literature & Information Science.
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ARTstor is a digital library of nearly one million images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences with a set of tools to view, present, and manage images for research and pedagogical purposes. Subjects represented include African-American Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Architecture, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, Design and Decorative Studies, Foreign Languages and Literature, History, Literary Studies, Maps, Medieval Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Music History, Native American Studies, Photography, Religious Studies, Renaissance Studies, Theater and Dance, Women’s Studies.
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Humanities Librarian
David Murray
Related Subjects